Easz-10P Portable Flow meter
The EESIFLO EASZ-10P is a handheld non -invasive microprocessor based meter for measuring the flow rate and total volume of liquids flowing through process and effluent pipelines. It is suitable for a wide range of liquids, including aerated water, liquids containing suspended solids, slurries and sludges. The EESIFLO EASZ-10P requires fluids with a minimum concentration of 100 ppm of solids or bubbles having minimum size of 100 microns and works on most pipes 2 inches and above.
The flowmeter utilises the non-intrusive Doppler principle to measure the mean velocity and is particularly useful as a temporary flow indicator or as a working tool to establish flow conditions in field or plant installations. Units of meHand held Device is easily transported measurement available are m/s, ls, lm, lh, m3/sec, m3/ m, m3/hr, ft3/h, ft3/s, usgps, usgpm, usgph, usmgd